Tuesday, November 11, 2008

There probably aren't many Indians fans that don't have a favorite Herb Score moment.

He was the voice of the Indians radio for more than 30 years. He was not a Hall of Fame caliber broadcaster, but for most of the years he called games, the Indians weren't a Hall of Fame caliber team.

He was good for us. He fit us. Herb made mistakes, but so did the Indians. He had the voice of someone you wanted in your backyard, in your office, in your home.

In 12 years of listening to him, I don't ever remember a harsh word towards anyone. He always sounded happy to be watching a baseball game, even if the Indians were getting pounded.

His optimism was such that he seemed to rein in Tom Hamilton, who since Score's departure has been prone to long, negative rants about umpires, cities and teams.

I knew he had been ill. I saw him a few years ago at an Indians Hall of Fame celebration, and he could not talk.

So, I knew I'd be writing this one day, though I was not looking forward to it.

I mentioned everyone has a favorite Herb moments. I have a few:

"The Indians are in the World Series .... Maybe."-- After Tony Fernandez's game-winning homer in Baltimore, which did come in the top of the inning, so the Orioles still had to bat.

"Is it fair? Is it foul? It is!"

My personal favorite Herb line:

"Swing and a miss, called strike three!"

But my favorite moment came in 1995. The Indians won the American League pennant, and Herb seemed stunned.

"The Indians win the pennant. How about that? Look at that display on the field! The Indians charging out on the field! They have won the American League Pennant!"

God bless you, Herb.



At 7:29 PM , Blogger Vince said...

He reined in Tom Hamilton, not reigned.
Otherwise, yeah, you hit most of my favorites, too. I'm also partial to "Three hits, two runs, and we're still scoreless after three."


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