Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The mystery of Fausto Carmona
Fausto Carmona's talent has never been in question. His ability to harness that talent and turn it to results is less than certain.

Tonight, Carmona was good and bad. He allowed one hit. But he also had little control. I will give Indians manager Manny Acta credit for this much: he's trying to give Carmona the best possible situation to work with. He gave him one catcher -- Mike Redmond. He gave him a sure spot in the rotation. And he didn't pull Carmona early on when it looked like he was a big hit away from disaster.

The offense remains suspect, but at least Indians fans didn't have to wait a week for a win. The 5-3 victory was as much about Carmona as anything. But hey, a win's a win.



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