Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Socialized medicine has it's problems
When I heard Michael Moore was doing another film, my first question wasn't what it was about.
Rather, it was whether the film would be termed a documentary, or rather a piece of fiction. Moore's reputation of playing it fast and loose with the facts is well-known.
In some ways, the worst thing to happen to Moore was for him to find great success with Bowling for Columbine and Farenheit 9-11. The exposure he received may have been good for his pocketbook, but bad for his long-term reputation.
Writers such as Christopher Hitchens assailed Moore's claims; and actual documentary makers have had their say.
All of Moore's critics are not, as he would have it, all agents of the Bush Administration. Some are left-leaners. Basically, anyone with the time or vague interest can find out in a matter of minutes what type of filmmaker, and for that matter what type of man, Moore is.
As for Moore's latest work, well, I haven't seen it (I generally boycott Moore's work). I also cannot claim to be an expert on medical care in this country or anywhere else.
Beyond that, I can concede that the health care system in this country is far from perfect, and likely in need of some reform.
But socialized medicine is not, as Moore is said to claim in his latest film Sicko, a wonderful, beautiful system.
Not having seen the film, I can't say whether Moore gives even a second to someone with a differing opinion than his (history would say no). But here's a differing opinion well-worth reading.

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