Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Being a Bush Apologist
In the spring of 2005, I sat in a restaurant in Tiffin Ohio, having lunch with my aunt and her husband. It had been a cordial conversation, as always. The bond between nephew and aunt had long been established over nearly 20 years.
We were both writers, both big baseball fans, and both had (what we believed) were wonderful senses of humor.
Still, despite our similarities, there was one major difference.
My aunt votes one way, I vote another. We have a lot to talk about, a lot to laugh about. But inevitably, it comes up.
So, at about the 45-minute mark, my aunt took a sip of soda, smiled and said, with more than a trace of sarcasm, "you know, it's been a great year for your boy."
"My boy" is President George W. Bush. I make no apologies for this. While most of the country has turned on him, I remain supportive.
In 2005, I again made my case: The Iraq war was the right decision. Saddam had to go, as he could never be trusted. Bush had kept America safe. He wasn't right on social issues at times, but I had become a one-issue voter. In the War on Terror, I felt Bush was right, and that was the main issue.
I still feel that way. It's true Bush misspeaks. Every night at work, I'm treated to Bushisms on the David Letterman show. When the news is on, I constantly hear about Bush's dropping approval ratings, as though a second-term President needs to worry about poll numbers.
My contention is Bush will be vindicated in the future, much like Harry Truman.
In the future, I wonder who will control the President's legacy. Will it be historians who will look at his policies and their results, or will it be the Hollywood-inspired Michael Moore types, who rely on television clips? Media plays a roll in this. Somehow, Jimmy Carter is considered one of the best ex-Presidents in history.
Fine. But he is only called that because his term was such a disaster. And I have a bone to pick with the St. Jimmy Carter philosophy. Just read some Bernard Goldberg to see what I mean.
When my aunt questioned me on my support of the President some months ago, I froze. My aunt is smarter than me, and a better person than I will ever be. We agree to disagree. I hope she never changes.
But when others ask, I answer with my feelings. It's hard now to write about peace in the Middle East with what's going on now.
The current crisis is not Bush's fault, but some will blame him for it. And I'll be defending him to friends, bringing up points they won't listen to. Saddam is gone. The Taliban is out of power in Afghanistan. New societies are being built. It's not perfect. Too many people have died. It will take a long, long time.
But I still believe Bush was right. If he's not, than I'm responsible, because I voted for him twice.
Here's hoping he's right.


At 4:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I particularly liked your boy's picture trying to massage the shoulders of the new German Prime Minister. What a guy.
Heh heh.
Aunt Sue


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