Monday, August 23, 2004

Bob Dole
Bob Dole has been back in the news a bit more lately, and for me, that's always a good thing. Dole is, in my opinion, an honest man and a hero, and someone I greatly admire.
Dole has been saying a lot of what I believe lately -- that this election should be about the future and not the past, and that instead of focusing on what happened 30 years ago, the focus should be on recent events--Bush's performance in the last four years and Kerry's senate record. To me, this is what matters.
Dole criticized John Kerry and called for an apology last week on the part of Kerry. Dole's description of the conversation is exactly what I think. Is there a difference between and the Swift Boat Veterans? What about Michael Moore? The fact is, it's the same, and Kerry didn't denounce Michael Moore's act at the Democratic convention.
Basically, both sides are doing so called election "dirty work," even though the candidates themselves are not (or may not) be directly involved.
Dole's interview can be read here.


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