Thursday, April 01, 2004

Another fairly busy, but productive day. Here's a tip to all you future photographers out there. Stay away from letting a team pose in what they feel is a creative way.
I have more writing to do tonight, to finish the tab once and for all. Anyone who has worked at a newspaper knows how much fun "they" are.
As for politics, well, they seem to follow me around at work. I can't really escape it. When pressed about my conservatism, I recalled what a professor told the class about journalism politics in a freshman class at Bowling Green. He told the class that a moderate will either be swayed to the left like the majority of his co-worker, or dive to the right to spite it.
Maybe I have become more conservative. Or maybe, I just appear more conservative in the environment I am in.
It's finally April, thank goodness. Baseball is still four days away, and I am just happy to be able to watch it again. Of course, Milton Bradley is about to take his little silver monopoly car out of Cleveland, past "GO" and he will not collect $200. He apparently left Indians camp and will be traded within 72 hours. So basically, the Indians have found a way to once again rid themselves of their best player. I am not saying that Milton isn't wrong , because he is. But he's still our best player, and now he's gonna be gone, like a troublesome summer.
That Freddy Adu (?) is on PTI, and he seems very mature, but then, so was I at that age. I wish I was as smart as I sounded when I was 12. I still don't care about professional soccer.


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