Tuesday, April 27, 2004

In election news ...

Wake me up when the conventions get here.
I have long been saying that this race has started way too early. It has gotten to the point where I will switch the station if I see election news and poll results.
Time has convinced me of two things:
1. The poll results are meaningless until a few weeks before the debates
2. Whatever is being debated in April will likely be forgotten come July, let alone November.

I do like politics. I am certainly tilted to the right in my views, but at this point, I just need a vacation. Some people eat and sleep politics. My brother is becoming one of these. It hit me when I was socializing with him a few months ago and he said :" Hey, let's watch the news."
I flatly declined, and I work at a newspaper. I just couldn't stand to hear another rehearsed speech, another smiling face for the camera.
I wonder about the money being spent on campaigns from both parties. I wonder how the money could be better used. Idealism and unrealistic thoughts, I know.
(Wow, three straight "I"s to start a paragraph. Somewhere, my ninth grade english teacher is waking up from a bad dream.)
We may not have conservative or liberal voters come November. We may not have fully-decided voters. What we may have, is exhausted voters.


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