More of the Unknown
Oh my my
Oh heck yes
the roads tomorrow will be a mess.
Yep, Lima is predicting 3-6 inches of snow here tomorrow. Funny thing is, hailing from Cleveland, it doesn't sound so bad. But the back roads and unplow-able areas of Kenton and the surrounding areas all but make it a sure thing that school will be canceled. This would have been good news for me ... FIVE YEARS ago.
Now snow just means I will be having to get up a little earlier tomorrow to shovel the snow off my car. I'm not a morning person, as the vitamin z-mojo doesn't really kick in until 8 a.m. or so. I hit my stride about 10 or 11 usually, which is why I was such an effective member of Jan Larson's copyediting class last semester. My goodness how I miss that class. It was my favorite last semester, and copyediting isn't even my thing.
I miss college a lot, for a lot of reasons. In many ways, I found my mature self there, and by the end, I was practically hanging onto clocks trying to halt their progression.
I could go back to BG, see some people, but it will never be the same.
The next four years will be pivotal, as they are for anyone. I have no idea what will happen next, but I think that's a good thing.
As the great Van Morrison once sang, "It seems like, feels like, a brand new day."
The sun is shining, but the ice is slippery.
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