Monday, July 09, 2007

CNN vs. Michael Moore
I didn't see the whole thing, but the interview between Michael Moore and Wolf Blitzer appeared testy at times. God only knows what Moore was thinking when he said CNN "got it wrong" on the Iraq War.
Moore thanked Blitzer for having him on live, implying that his version of "truth" is too hot for television. Actually Michael, the reason you aren't on live TV much is because you insist on hogging all the air time and not letting anyone else talk. Ranting and raving doesn't usually make for a sound interview.
The line of the day, however, goes to CNN's Lou Dobbs, who, when previewing his own show, said this:
"Wolf, are you having fun with Michael Moore? He's more of a left-wing promoter than Hugo Chavez, for crying out loud. He has to ... he has to love profit. What's he talking about?"

Thanks, Lou.

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At 7:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur a fool zach

and cnn is a disgrace

good nite

At 11:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually found that comment rather funny.


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