Tuesday, April 12, 2005

No Names please
Watching the Dodgers game, I noticed that LA has ditched the names on the back of their uniforms, instead going with larger numerals. Very Old School.
The Cubs have done the same, at least on the home unis.
Personally, I'd like to see all teams go back to the "just numbers" look. It always struck me as a bit redundent to have the names and numbers anyway. Fans should know the players' numbers.
As long as I have been alive, the Indians have had names on the unis, and I'd like to see them give "just numbers" a shot.
Dolan's already got a salary number like 20 years ago, so why not go all the way?


At 7:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, eons ago, I heard that it was a Major League Baseball rule that every team had to have nameplates on their road uniforms. The Yankees were grandfathered out of that rule because George Steinbrenner shot his Arrogant Bastard Hypno-Ray into then-commissioner Fay Vincent's brain.
The Red Sox have always had no last names on their home threads, and the White Sox, Twins, Giants and Pirates have also recently done time with the "no name" on their home shirts.
I guess, with the Dodgers eliminating the names on their road threads, MLB is getting soft on their policies.
As Jose Canseco and his 26-inch biceps can tell you, that rarely ever happens.

At 10:41 PM , Blogger Zach said...

Thanks for the info. I think the Dodgers are celebrating an anniversary of some kind this season, so it might just be an old retro look based on permission.
As far as the rule itself, it seems rather pointless, which makes me just as certain it exists.
God bless baseball leadership.


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