Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Barry Bonds and the importance of being polite
Once there was a guy named Barry who did some wonderful things on the baseball field. He could hit home runs like no one had seen in a quarter century. He broke records that weren't around long enough for the ink on them to dry.
He was going to pass the record of a man who is seen as much more than a man.
You'd think he'd be the most loved athlete in years. You'd think he'd have endorsements and songs written about him.
Well, no.
Barry Bonds is not a nice man. He's not really photogenic. He's not admired like Mark McGwire, not fawned upon like Sosa. No, he's treated the same way that ... well ... he treats everyone else.
Barry Bonds is Barry Bonds. The truth is, I'd like to believe he's not juiced. I'd like to believe everyone is not juiced.
If there were, or was, no steroid issue, I'd be in Barry Bonds' corner. I like the painful honesty of Barry. I like that he says "I'm a jerk, deal with it," rather than be a pain in the ass all the time except when the cameras are rolling (See Sosa, Sammy, supposedly *)
But it's the steroids.


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