Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Zach v. Hockey
Wow. I make one little remark comparing roller derby to the NHL, and my good friends are all over me. For the record, my point was not to compare hockey to Roller Derby, but merely the NHL to Roller Derby.
My point was over exposure and relevance. A league that cancels its season, uncancels it, then recancels it, it really going to have some credibility issues. That's all I was saying.

Bill Maher and the mirror
You know, I am drawn to Maher's show like an insect to light. I know the show is going to tick me off at some point, but I still watch. Maher has annoyed me ever since he was on Comedy Central, but I give him credit. He at least makes me want to pay attention.
This week, he had Tommy Thompson on. Thompson played it smart, just keeping his mouth shut. That's good, because if you dare promote a non-Maher view point, you will be booed, and won't get any words in. Thompson picked his spots well. If it were me, I'd be screaming at Maher for being an arrogant jerk who is not as smart as he believes. Yes, I know, it takes one to know one. Then someone would yell some snappy, nonsensical remark and get cheered by the home crowd.
I do wonder though, why Maher generally stacks the deck in his favor, with two liberals and one conservative.
After all that, I thought this week's show was his best in a long time. It was good conversation between Joe Biden, Robin Williams and Thompson.
For one week, the show showed its potential.


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