Thursday, November 18, 2004

Barch Uncensored: Volume 4
Orange you Glad you Aren’t Bill Callahan?
By Andy Barch

First, the collapse of the legacy, we know as the silver and black attack. Callahan sent the saga that is the raiders south, and now, Bill Callahan is failing miserably at another institution rich with tradition.
Seriously, if you are John Fox, aren’t you running for Shelter? Lets just hope Fox doesn’t take the Florida job next season, he’s better off retiring and living a private life in Bangladesh if he follows Callahan’s trend.
If this is the price you pay for losing a super bowl, then maybe Andy Reid isn’t in bad shape after all. Losing 3 times in the NFC Championship game suddenly doesn’t look that bad.
It was bad enough that Callahan had been embarrassed on numerous occasions, most notably against Texas Tech when they allowed 70 points. Now, he has to figure his way around this altercation with the fans in Oklahoma tossing oranges and Callahan responding by calling them hillbillies. Right now, I’d rather be Tommy Callahan in Tommy Boy after Rob Lowe mixed up the shipping dates on the break pads.

Bottles, Iceballs and Cars??

The World of Soccer never ceases to amaze me. In Cleveland, fans were outraged after an officia’ls decision to review a play after another play had already finished. At Giants Stadium a few years back, fans pelted officials, and basically everyone on the field because it was the thing to do. In CHISINAU, Moldova a team chairman apparently lost his mind and took off after an official….in his freaking car.
Bottles, understandable, I mean you cant just leave them under the seat can you? No way, you know the usher that has to clean the place when you leave, and too many bad things can happen when you take the bottle with you to the top of the stairs toward the garbage can after a loss.
Ice balls, well why not. How many chances are you going to get to pelt someone in the face with an ice ball? Certainly this isn’t something I condone, but by throwing an ice ball at someone with a helmet, the chances of you hurting them seriously aren’t very good. I’m beginning to think this Ice ball thing is a bad example.
Cars, that’s a different story. I’ve been very angry, outraged, vocal and semi-violent at times after sporting events, but never have I ever been DRIVEN to this extent. I’ve never contemplated getting in my car and attacking someone over a sporting event.
Apparently, Mihai Macovei, the club chairman for the Moldovan soccer team took matters into his own hands and despite his best efforts, still missed official Vitalie Onica who dodged the vehicle several times.
According to, Macovei was fined about $1,900. Is that just the speeding ticket? Or is that all that there is too this? Maybe he consulted O.J. before he began his negotiations with the authorities.
However, the bigger story here is the official. Dodging the car several times, now that’s impressive. There’s either one hell of a training regimen in the off-season for soccer officials in Chisinau, Moldova, or this guy’s in the wrong business. I want Mel Kiper in Moldova next week breaking down his lateral movement, vertical leap and 40 yard dash. This guy has potential. If he can dodge cars, he’ll have no problems dodging the Sam Adams’ and Warren Sapp’s of the league.

I’m off til next week, enjoy my R & B Album.


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