Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Stepping back
Going back and looking at your beginnings can be a sometimes frustrating experience. When I look at the beginnings of this site some four months ago, I am now sickened by referring to myself as "The supplement" or "The Vitamin." Ah well, live and learn I guess.
Regardless, I did stumble upon a political bit of prediction from way back in March, just after John Kerry became the nomination:
I dislike Kerry. He just has something about him that comes accross poorly. I can see Edwards as the democratic VP nominee, in Kerry's half-hearted attempt to sway southern voters. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. But in talking to a former professor yesterday who is the antithesis of everything I stand for politically, we finally agreed on something:
This will be the nastiest campaign in a long time.

Not that predicting Edwards as a VP candidate means anything. Everyone has been saying it for four months anyway.
Does anyone else see a striking resemblence between Dan Quayle and Edwards? Not in political beliefs, but well looks.
Let me also say that this campaign is going to get even nastier as the days and weeks pass.
Just a thought.


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