Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Edwards selected
John Kerry did the right thing, selecting John Edwards as his running mate. It's the right decision on many levels. Edwards is bright, charasmatic and likable, and comes from the south. That's a must for the Democrats in any election.
It ought to give Kerry a spike.
Now, I need to make a plea to the republicans:
Please. Please, PLEASE take Dick Cheney of the ticket. I know he's intelligent, but of all the moderate conservatives I know (including me) I have yet to come accross anyone who likes the idea of Dick Cheney as president.
Forget everything else. The question is not about policy when discussing VPs. The question is: Would you be comfortable with this man in the highest office if the unthinkable happens?
Given Cheney's health (among many other issues) I can answer no.
Condoleza Rice and Tom Ridge would be my top choice for replacements. It would no doubt help Bush with the moderates in the party, who Bush needs.


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