Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Vitamin Z vs. Countdown to D Day
-I saw the A&E movie on Dwight Eisenhower last night. Tom Selleck played the role of Eisenhower, and, much to my surprise, did an excellent job in the role.
It's not that I think he's a bad actor, it's just that he wouldn't have been a likely choice. Before seeing the film, I was calling it Magnum P.Ike. But Selleck surprised me, as did the filmmakers, who portrayed Eisenhower as a brilliant and compassionate man, faced with the conflicting plans and egos of those around him.
The movie follows the plans of D-Day, and the invasion's preceeding days. It was well acted, well written and well directed, and portrayed Eisenhower as a true American hero.
I quite simply couldn't turn it off. It was great. A&E plays its' stuff a lot, so be sure to catch a replay.


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