Wednesday, March 03, 2004

I have placed just a few sites that I read generally at the box to your right. For the most part, these are my friends websites, and websites in which I write for or have written for in the past.
Town Hall is an exception, a conservative columnist site. Most of you are likely aware of my political leanings (except for Andy Barch, who last night informed me he had no idea) but I want to assure you that I do not agree with all of the columns. It's just that a few of my favorite writers, such as George Will and Armstrong Williams, are featured on that site. I consider myself a social moderate, but fiscal conservative. I am also not above admitting I may be wrong every now and then.
I plan on including more political links, as I'd like to keep the blog only slightly tilted to the right. I even thought of including a few liberal media sites, say, this site ,but haven't had the time as of yet.


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