Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Edwards drops out: Kerry is now the likely nomination

I almost registered as a democrat so I could vote for Edwards. That's how strongly I dislike Kerry. He just has something about him that comes accross poorly. I can see Edwards as the democratic VP nominee, in Kerry's half-hearted attempt to sway southern voters. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't. But in talking to a former professor yesterday who is the antithesis of everything I stand for politically, we finally agreed on something:
This will be the nastiest campaign in a long time.
I just hope that this campaign focuses on the future, not on the distant past. It's not that I don't think it's important, because it is. But there are millions of people on this earth who don't know about the national guard, or postwar testimony. President Bush and Senator Kerry can't go back and re-do the past. It is important for them as individuals, not so important for the future of this country.
I doubt that anyone who knows me is wondering who I am going to vote for. My politics are pretty prevailant in daily discussions.
But everything aside, lets just look at this election for what should be--the issues of America, not two Americans.
I DID vote by the way. I have the sticker to prove it.


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