Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans Day
Today I got up, went to work, wrote a few stories, and went home. Tomorrow I plan on seeing my family, as I have done most Sundays this year.
But what if there was no Sunday? What if I didn't see my family for years? What if I went away to a far off land to serve my country so others could live life the right way?
I haven't done that. But many others, better people than I will ever be, have.
On Veterans Day, I usually think about my grandfather, who sacrificed years of his life -- away from his family, friends and normal existance -- so I could be doing what I am today. He came back, and some 35 years later, I was born. I got to know him well, but I am not sure if I ever said thank you to him. I probably didn't. He passed away when I was a child.
But what my grandfather, and countless others like him, have done should never be forgotten. I got to know my grandfather. Some people aren't as fortunate with their loved ones who served.
To everyone who has sacrificed to keep this amazing experiement of a country going, thank you. We owe you so much.


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