Saturday, June 17, 2006

Moderate Dems
Where are they? Joe Lieberman may not even win his primary. That's a scary thought. Even as I have become a tad disenchanted with some Republicans, I am finding it harder to even find a Democrat I relate with politically. Joe has always been one, but he's considering a run as an Independent.
There is a concern that each side is getting further and further to one side, and moderates end up being left out. I don't think I qualify as a moderate. I used to be, before ... well, I was introduced to the blogosphere.
But as I've often written here, in politics, we rarely define ourselves; it's left to others to do it.
There have been a number of columns over the last few years about the loss of the moderate Democrat. This one is actually the best I've read so far.
On a personal note, it's nice to know there are some other semi-conservative songwriters out there. Maybe I should welcome Mr. Swirsky to one of the smallest monorities in the country.


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