Sunday, March 06, 2005

Just maybe
It is interesting, sometimes, how we contradict ourselves.
No one really should expect me to be chipper at 10 a.m. these days, particularly after getting to bed after 4 the night before. No, to be honest, I was downright cranky. My family was going to breakfast and I was coerced by my brother to accompany my family. Now, this is a great thing.
But I was tired and angry at ... something, God knows what.
And when my brother dare switch the station from rock and roll to National Public Radio, I let him have it.
"I will not," I stated bluntly, "listen to some left wing liberal propaganda which is funded by my tax dollars!"
My brother, who has an undeniable knack for getting under my skin, accused me of being a full fledge right winger, full of bitterness.
"That guy who left those comments was right," he said.
Now, I was full fledged pissed off. I threatened to throw him through the car window, something that, he rightly pointed out, I had neither the evil nor the physical strength to be capable of.
So I just scowled at him. Very mature, I know.
The irony, of course, is that I not only enjoy NPR from time to time, but have a link for it on this blog.
So why the outburst?
Let's just say I am not always the best representation of myself. And, I am not a morning person.


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