Thursday, September 16, 2004

Rather Strange Times
Above all of the discussion, let me say this about Rathergate:
I don't care about what happened 25 years ago. George Bush's national guard record is of no consequence to me. The Kerry Swift Boat situation means just as little.
Because we as human beings have yet to build a time machine, and until we do, we have an inability to go back and not only change the past, but see how it actually happened. History is not only written by the winners, it is written by the clouded perception of memory.
We have two men running for president, and I would hope that the election will focus on the future and not the past.
Did it matter to the electorate that Bill Clinton dodged the draft? I would argue no, considering he was elected twice, both times against decorated war heroes.
Why do we care this year?
Critics argue that Bush is a war time president and thus should have had war experience. In order for that to work, one would have to argue that someone needs battle experience to be president. When elected, a president may be forced with a regrettable but necessary decision of war. That could happen to any president in any era.
Should he choose not to go to war based on the fact that he was not fighting in a war?
I have the luxury of being able to have this perspective. I'm sure the scars of those who are against Bush and Kerry over their military service are deep and lasting.
I understand why it matters to them.
But I believe that George Bush has already been president for four years, and that's what he should be judged on. John Kerry has been in the senate for much longer, and that's what he should be judged on.
America needs to remain strong right now, but these discussions are framing the debate where it doesn't need to be framed.
It's the future, not the past. Let's talk about that.


At 2:30 PM , Blogger Nelly said...

Good point Zach. Here in Britain we are also watching your election campaign with great interest. The President is not enjoying great popularity here and I must confess that I don't think he deserves another four years.


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