Tuesday, May 11, 2004


Joe Lieberman remains one of my favorites. I didn't like him so much in 2000, when he ran with Al Gore, because I felt he compromised on some issues to better fit the platform that Gore was running on.
The fact is that Lieberman has stood by what he has believed in ever since, defending on many occasions the administration he was running against. That will always earn you points in my book, the ability to break party lines and stick to your beliefs.
Hey, and if the Democrats are so keen on John McCain as a running mate for John Kerry, why doesn't the Bush administration pull a pre-emptive decision and make Lieberman VP? It makes as much, if not more sense, than McCain with Kerry.
I doubt Joe would ever do it, but I wish he would. We need more people like him in Washington.
Besides, Bush could use some Joe-mentum.
Lieberman is closer to Bush than John Kerry anyway.
Just a thought.
Danny has a good post that brought this on.
Oh, and Dick Cheney has to go. For the good of the 2008 election, he HAS to step aside. And, if Bush does it soon, he will help to knock off any momentum Kerry will get when he selects his running mate.
If I were John Kerry (Thank God that isn't true.)I would select John Edwards as my partner. I don't think he can carry the south without a southerner on the ticket, and Edwards is as good of a candidate for that as any.
Not that I am a campaign advisor. I just steal the speeches.


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